An event for the children of prisoners that I saw posted at Life in Forsyth reminded me of this artist's piece that really struck me the first time I saw it. It is featured on the website of the Prison Arts Creative, an Ann Arbor, Michigan-based organization, which collaborates with incarcerated adults, incarcerated youth, and the formerly incarcerated to strengthen community through creative expression. The website has a collection of pieces by ten or fifteen artists, so please check them out. I'm curious what types of enrichment activities are done in Triad jails...
Here is Maurice Scott's artist statement:
He sat there fingering the thin blades of grass growing sparsely around his favorite stump.
He could hear, it seemed. His mother's voice in the distance. "Maurice you're going to be a preacher when you grow up."
He would laugh and roll in the deep red earth. For hours he lay there alone drawing in the dirt. This time the earth said, "the preacher is in your hands."
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